Friday, February 15, 2008


Vetrans, Dr. Alan Methven and Verity Caruso worked together on this patient in Vuelta Grande.

Jill and Tom were an amazing help to the team, taking on the entire sterilization proccess.

Laura Gonzales filtered patients in through the dental room, helped dental students with translations, and followed up giving perscribed dosages and postdental care instructions to the patients from Vuelta Grande.

Dental Students Charlie Hartman, Ben Gonzales, Renee Robertson, and Mike Harper were a valuable addition to the team this year.

Dr. Ransom extracts a tooth while Erin Durdel assists.

Physical Therapist Maureen Gonzales writes out instructions for her treatment plan for a patient suffering from lower back pain.

Maureen Welch and Nesario pose for a photo outside the Medical Team's office.

Dr. Livadais and Dorothy Canty organized medication which was a huge task.

Walter Want fixes the sterilizer while Vuelta Grande kids eagerly watch on.

Dental students Charlie Hartmen and Ben Gonzales conduct oral exams with translations by Laura Gonzales.

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