Monday, January 8, 2007

Getting Ready for the 2007 Trip

Greetings Rotary Team 2007 and supporters,

Once again we are gearing up for a trip to El Hato and Vuelta Grande, two small villages outside Antigua, Guatemala. This blog is to be a place where our progress can be followed while the team is actually on the ground.

But before we get started, here's some basic information on the trip...

March 21, Wednesday: the team departs from Portland for Guatemala City, then Antigua.
March 22-24: Set up and work clinics in Vuelta Grande.
March 25, Sunday: Free day for touring Antigua; some will help transport equipment from Vuelta Grande to El Hato.
March 26-27: Work clinics in El Hato.
March 28: Either return to Guatemala City and onward to Portland or leave for additional two days of rest and relaxation at Lake Atitlan. Please contact LeRoy or Auggie if you're interested in the Lake Atitlan stay, as reservations need to be confirmed.

We will be staying at
Hotel Centro Colonial. The hotel does not provide meals or have a restaurant, but it is in the heart of Antigua. And it is very beautiful.

Right now the estimated cost is around $1200. Of this, roughly $600 is estimated for the airfare. This estimate doesn't include personal spending; the extended stay option at Lake Atitlan will cost an additional $500.

Please plan on bringing "host" gift items for the members of the Antigua Rotary, who have been tremendously generous in helping get this project going. Additionally, you might consider bringing gifts for the villagers, such as toys (deflated soccer balls are highly prized), books, shoes, school supplies, etc.

It's a good idea to be up to date on your immunizations, particularly for Hepatitis A, Tetanus and Typhoid. You might want to bring Pepto Bismol and/or Imodium AD just in case or Ciprofloxin for serious diarrhea. In all cases be sure to use bottled water -- for drinking as well as teeth-brushing. Additionally, anti-bacterial, sanitized wipes are very handy, especially for hand-washing before eating.

That's it for now. Check here for further updates. Thanks to all team members for their support and dedication.

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