The Dental Team had three chairs set up. Dr. Methven works to complete 6 fillings for this woman while dental student Renee Robertson assits and Rotarian Auggie Gonzales looks on.

Dr. Jim Ransom and John Bell begin with set up of dental units in Transitions.

Dental Students Charlie Hartman and Mike Harper extracted a tooth from Rodney, an 11yr old boy who suffers from cerebral palsy.
Saturday was a day the Dental Team decided to spend working on the kids, family members, neighbors, and friends of Transitions. They saw at least 22 patients. Physical Therapist Maureen Gonzales and her daughter Laura Gonzales saw 4 patients.
Meanwhile the Water Team was off to Guatemala City. They met with a fellow Rotarian there who was able to agree that electricity and permits would be allowed for their project. They also secured an agreement that the Rotarian would send workers there to finish the work that the Water Team was not going to be able to do due to lack of time.
Over in Vuelta Grande Walter Want and Ralph Koozer were running into some problems. They had begun work to repair the lines that they had found last year that were broken. Last year we encountered electrical problems because of the Japanese team that had come to build on to the school and in doing so, cut through our lines. This year the goal was to repair that damage. Walter and Ralph were able to reconnect the school rooms all together again. The people of Vuelta Grande attempted to assist them by providing an electrical pole. Walter explained, "I was up on this ladder trying to balance all our lines, and all I heard was a CRACK!". The noise was the electric pole breaking in half. Apparently, the people who set up the pole only bothered to burry it about three feet deep, and thus it was not nearly secure enough and unable to hold the heavy load of the electrical wires. So for now, part of the school remains in the dark, until further work can be done to finish repairing the lines. Que lastima! What a shame!